Influence of the unconscious
about health
"All the diseases which reach your physical bodies are from spiritual sources. To assert this to the medicine of your Earth, appears like a lie, a bad supposition or the utopia of some dreams which would not know the mechanisms of the matter" William Lang . This spirit (1852-1937) which manifests itself in the circle of Allan Kardec since its origin, was a globally recognized ophthalmic surgeon.
It is January 13, 1987 ; it has been ten years since the physicians of the beyond began with the spiritualists a vast program of experiments, experiments and medical explanations. This date is the date of the beginnings of the Cercle's therapeutic approach, aimed at a non-spiritualist audience.
In the incorporation session, the spirit of William Lang had explained to us the merits of a different approach as to the origins of the diseases defining them in the light of the survival of the soul. What is the relationship between the survival of the soul and illness? We are therefore going to immerse ourselves in the past which has upset our apprehension of pathologies.
William lang